Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ulla Jelpke zum "Tag ohne Abschiebung"

Ulla Jelpke zum "Tag ohne Abschiebung"

Berlin. (red). 30. August 2008. Zum bundesweiten „Tag ohne Abschiebung“ von Flüchtlingsinitiativen und Menschenrechtsgruppen am Samstag, den 30.August, erklärte Ulla Jelpke, innenpolitische Sprecherin der Fraktion DIE LINKE.:

Der „Tag ohne Abschiebung“ erinnert an den Tod des Abschiebegefangenen Rachid Sbaai, der am 30.August 1999 qualvoll an Rauchvergiftung in einer Arrestzelle der JVA Büren starb. Sbaai war nur eines von vielen Opfern der inhumanen deutschen Migrations- und Flüchtlingspolitik. Mit der im Juni 2008 vom Europaparlament beschlossenen Rückführungsrichtlinie wurde diese Politik sogar Europarecht. Verzweifelte und schutzbedürftige Menschen, deren einziges Vergehen darin besteht, sich ohne gültige Papiere in Europa aufzuhalten, können nun europaweit 18 Monate lang in Abschiebehaft genommen werden. Diese Regelung gilt selbst für Minderjährige.

Flüchtlingen droht die Abschiebung in Kriegs- und Bürgerkriegsgebiete oder Länder, in denen ihnen politische Verfolgung droht, wie den Irak oder die Türkei. Menschen, die als Opfer einer ungerechten Weltwirtschaftsordnung etwa aus Afrika unter Lebensgefahr nach Europa kommen, werden zurück in Hunger, Elend und Perspektivlosigkeit abgeschoben.

Allein im vergangenen Jahr ließen rund 2000 Flüchtlinge ihr Leben bei dem Versuch, die EU-Außengrenzen zu überwinden. Sie ertranken, verdursteten oder ersticken. Viele wurden bereits von nordafrikanischen Regimes wie Marokko oder Libyen als Hilfs-Gendarmen der EU interniert und zurückgewiesen. Andere wurden von den Schnellbooten der EU-Grenzschutztruppe Frontex in einem Akt moderner Piraterie auf hoher See geentert und zur Umkehr gezwungen.

Ich werde mich am Samstag im nordrhein-westfälischen Neuss vor dem bundesweit einzigen Abschiebegefängnis für Frauen an den Protesten gegen die inhumane Flüchtlings- und Migrationspolitik der Bundesrepublik und der Festung Europa beteiligen. Treten wir gemeinsam für die Rückkehr zu einem wirklichen Asylrecht, für internationale Freizügigkeit und dauerhaftes Bleiberecht für alle hier lebende Menschen ein, erklärte die Journalistin und Politikerin Ulla Jelpke.

Nach den Terror-Anschlägen: Petition für die Sicherheit von Journalisten

Nach den Terror-Anschlägen:

Petition für die Sicherheit von Journalisten

Von Andrew P. Harrod

Dortmund / Berlin. (red). 30. August 2008. Nach zwei Terror-Anschlägen auf das Büro der Journalistin und Politikerin, Ulla Jelpke (Die Linke) in Dortmund im August 2008, hat der Journalist, Missionar, Missionsleiter der John Baptist Mission of Togo (Deutsche Vertretung und Vertretung für Groß Britannien) und Autor mehrerer Bücher, Andreas Klamm, eine Petition für die Sicherheit von Journalisten in Deutschland an Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel und Bundesinnenminister Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble geschrieben.

Innerhalb von nur zwei Wochen hatten offenbar Terroristen aus Nazi-Kreisen mit tödlichen Schusswaffen, möglicherweise einer Stahlzwille, so teilte das Büro der Journalistin, Ulla Jelpke mit, verübt. Bei den zwei Attentaten wurde erfreulicherweise kein Mensch verletzt.

In einem Radio-Interview von Radio IBS Liberty ( sagte die Journalistin und Politikerin, Ulla Jelpke, bereits vor rund zwei Wochen dem Journalisten und Autor mehrerer Bücher, Andreas Klamm, dass sie sich durch die Anschlage in ihrer Arbeit als Journalistin und Politikerin nicht einschüchtern lassen werde.

Nähere Informationen zu den möglichen Tat-Hintergründen waren im Rahmen einer telefonischen Anfrage unserer Redaktion, gestern beim Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) in Wiesbaden noch nicht zu erfahren.

Die engagierte und couragierte Journalistin und Politikern kämpft seit rund zwei Jahrzehnten gegen Gewalt, Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Ausländerfeindlichkeit und Rassismus. Im Bundestag ist sie auch als innenpolitische Sprecherin für die Fraktion Die Linke tätig.

In einer Presse-Erklärung teilte die Journalistin und Politikerin Ulla Jelpke des weiteren mit: "Die Neonazis treten immer gewalttätiger auf. Umso wichtiger ist es, am 6. September gegen den Naziterror zu demonstrieren." Für diesen Tag hat Jelpke eine Gegendemonstration gegen einen Nazi-Aufmarsch angemeldet ( )

Die Petition für die Sicherheit von Journalisten in Deutschland und eine freie Presse in Deutschland kann im Internet bei , alternativ bei gelesen und mitgezeichnet werden.

Eine gute Chance sich gegen Gewalt, Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Ausländerfeindlichkeit und Rassismus zu engagieren.

Das Schreiben an Dr. Angela Merkel und Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble im Original-Wortlaut:

An / To

Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel

Bundesregierung Deutschland

1044 Berlin
Dorotheenstraße 84, 10117 Berlin
0180 272-0000
01888 272-2555


An / To

Bundesministerium des Innern

Herrn Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble
(Referat G II 5, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)
Alt-Moabit 101 D
10559 Berlin

Telefon: +49-(0)30 18 681-0
Telefax: +49-(0)30 18 681-2926

Sehr geehrte Frau Dr. Angela Merkel, Bundeskanzlerin !

Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, Bundesminister des Innern !

Die Schrecken der Nazi-Terror-Diktatur in den Jahren 1933 bis 1945 waren schlimm und diese sollten seit der Kapitulation der Deutschen Wehrmacht gegenüber den Alliierten (USA, Groß Britannien, Russland, Frankreich) am 8. Mai 1945 beendet sein.

Um so mehr bereitet es große Sorge von den zwei Anschlägen auf meine Kollegin, der Journalistin und Politikerin, und innenpolitische Sprecherin der Partei Die LINKE, Ulla Jelpke erfahren zu müssen.

Innerhalb von nur zwei Wochen haben im August 2008 offenbar Terroristen aus Nazi-Kreisen zwei Anschläge auf das Büro der Journalistin und Poltikerin Ulla Jelpke mit tödlichen Schusswaffen verübt.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie dazu bei

Die Journalistin und Politikerin Ulla Jelpke ist vorbildlich engagiert gegen Gewalt, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Rassismus.

Daher BITTEN wir Sie heute freundlichst, eine freie und sichere Arbeit für alle Journalisten und Politiker in Deutschland und aus traurigen und aktuellen Anlass auch für die Kollegin, der Journalistin, Ulla Jelpke, zu ermöglichen, was ein wichtiger Teil einer Demokratie ist.

Bitte bekennen Sie sich ganz klar dafür, dass Journalisten und Politiker auch in Deutschland FREI arbeiten können und dürfen ohne dabei Angst und Sorge über Angriffe auf Leib, Seele, Leben, Gesundheit oder Arbeitsplätze von Journalisten und Politikern befürchten zu müssen.

Die Ausübung des öffentlichen Amtes von Journalisten, die freie Presse und die freie Arbeit von Politikern sind wichtige Bestandteile einer Demokratie.

Bitte setzen Sie ein klares Zeichen für die Demokratie und gegen die Bedrohung durch terrorisierende und gefährliche Nazis.

Schon ihr Vorgänger, Bundeskanzler a. D., Gerhard Schröder sagte im Jahr 2005 so wörtlich in der Stadt Heidelberg: „Der braune Sumpf darf in Deutschland keine Chance mehr haben. Das wollen wir nicht.“


Andreas Klamm, Journalist, Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger

Missionar, Missionsleitung, Deutsche Vertretung und

Vertretung für Groß Britannien

Gründer und Herausgeber von British Newsflash Magazine est. 1986

John Baptist Mission of Togo (Johannes, der Täufer, Mission)

Gründer und Präsident: Reverend (Pfarrer) Yawovi Nyonato

John Baptist Mission of Togo, Afrika

in Zusammenarbeit mit

IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty (Leeds)

IFN International Family Network d734 (christian service ministry)

Grace MedCare Ltd. London, England, United Kingdom

Dear Her Excellency Mrs. Dr. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany

Dear Mr. Dr. Wolfgang Schaeuble, Minister for Internal Security of Germany !

The crimes committed through the dictatorship of the German Nazis in 1933 to 1945 were horrible. The fear over a dictatorship caused by Nazis should be over since the official capitulation of the German Wehrmacht (military) which was made before the Allied Troops and the US ARMED FORCES on May 8th in the year 1945.

It causes great sorrow that we had to learn that only within two weeks in August 2008, German Nazis have attacked the office of my colleague, the journalist and politician, Mrs. Ulla Jelpke, which is also a speaker in issues about internal security for the left wing party „Die Linke“ (The Left) with the German parliament in the capital city of Berlin in Germany.

Within 2 weeks Nazis have attacked in August 2008 the office of the journalist and politician, Mrs. Ulla Jelpke, in the German city of Dortmund and have used deadly force.

More information you will find on the web site of the journalist and politician, Mrs. Ulla Jelpke on .

The journalist, Mrs. Ulla Jelpke is an encouragement to many people in this world with her activities in the fight AGAINST violence, hatred against people from foreign countries and racism.

Therefore we ask you friendly, to grant the security and freedom of journalists and politicians in Germany. The free work of journalists and politicians is a vital and elementary part of democracy.

PLEASE make sure, that the free work of journalists and politicians in Germany will be save and granted. Journalist and politicians in Germany which are even in opposition to German Nazis should be granted a free work without fear of threats for their safety, life, soul, health and their offices or work place.

The free and save work of the public profession of all journalists, a free press and even politicians in Germany are elementary and vital parts of a democracy.

PLEASE take a public stand against the threats caused through German Nazis and their terror attacks, such as in the German city of Dortmund in August 2008.

In the year 2005 former chancellor, Mr. Gerhard Schroeder has declared in front of about 10.000 people „The brown swamp –meaning the German Nazis, – shall have no more chance. We do not want this anymore.“


Andreas Klamm, journalist, nurse (R.N.,RGN)

missionary and director of the United Kingdom

and German Branch

John Baptist Mission of Togo, Africa

Founder and president: Reverend Yawovi Nyonato

Founder and publisher of British Newsflash Magazine est. 1986

John Baptist Mission of Togo, Africa in

co-operation with

IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty (Leeds)

IFN International Family Network d734 (christian service ministry)

Grace MedCare Ltd. London, England, United Kingdom

Friday, August 29, 2008

Energie -- Merkel: "Wir brauchen neue Kraftwerke"

Energie -- Merkel: "Wir brauchen neue Kraftwerke"

Berlin. (red). 29. August 2008. In Hamm ist der Grundstein für ein neues Steinkohlenkraftwerk gelegt worden. Rund zwei Milliarden Euro investiert der RWE-Konzern. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel ist sich sicher: "Die Investition in einen leistungsstarken und zukunftsorientierten Energiestandort macht sich bezahlt."

Aus einem in die Jahre gekommenen Kohlekraftwerk werde eine der weltweit modernsten Anlagen, freute sich die Kanzlerin. Die beiden Kraftwerksblöcke produzieren jeweils 800 Megawatt Leistung und sollen Mitte 2011 beziehungsweise Anfang 2012 ans Netz gehen.

"Wenn wir als Industrieland unsere Eigenversorgung mit Strom aufrechterhalten wollen, dann brauchen wir neue leistungsfähige Kraftwerke in Deutschland", betonte Merkel. Versorgungssicherheit sei bekanntlich die wesentliche Voraussetzung für jedes wirtschaftliche Engagement von Investoren - und damit für Wachstum und Wohlstand.

Die beiden Kraftwerksblöcke können nach Angaben des Betreibers rund sieben Millionen Menschen mit Strom versorgen. Die moderne Anlage erreicht einen Wirkungsgrad von 46 Prozent. Das sind etwa 30 Prozent mehr als bei Altanlagen. Bei gleicher Stromproduktion soll so der CO2-Ausstoß um rund 2,5 Millionen Tonnen CO2 pro Jahr zurückgehen.

Modernste Technik schont die Umwelt

Wer Kraftwerksneubauten verhindere, nehme enorme Risiken in Kauf, warnte die Kanzlerin: eine stärkere Abhängigkeit von ausländischen Stromlieferungen, eine deutliche Verknappung des Stromangebots und damit entsprechend steigende Strompreise. Außerdem müssten alte Anlagen mit einem höheren CO2-Ausstoß und deutlich weniger Effizienz länger am Netz bleiben.

Immerhin zähle Deutschland zu den führenden Technologieanbietern weltweit, erinnerte Merkel. Daher dürfe Know-how zur Effizienzsteigerung und CO2-Minderung nicht ungenutzt gelassen werden oder gar verkümmern. Deutschland könne mit seinem technischen Wissen beim Kraftwerksbau weltweit einen wichtigen Beitrag zu mehr Klimaschutz leisten.

Fossile Energieträger und erneuerbare Energien nutzen

Die Kanzlerin plädierte erneut für einen vernünftigen Energie-Mix: eine moderne Energieerzeugung aus fossilen Energieträgern, den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien sowie Einsparungen von Energie.

Deutschland dürfe auch künftig nicht von ausländischen Stromlieferungen abhängig werden, unterstrich Merkel. Denn: "Die Energieerzeugung ist eine Stärke des Standorts Deutschland."

National Right to Life Praises Palin

National Right to Life Praises Palin

Solid pro-life ticket contrasts with pro-abortion ticket
WASHINGTON, Aug. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today the National Right to Life Committee praised John McCain's pick of pro-life Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate.

"We're thrilled," said Karen Cross, National Right to Life Political Director. "Senator McCain has demonstrated his dedication to life in his selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate."

National Right to Life President Wanda Franz, Ph.D added, "Governor Palin brings another strong pro-life voice to the Republican ticket, in sharp contrast to the pro-abortion ticket of Barack Obama and Joe Biden."

"We've both been very vocal about being pro-life," Palin, a mother of five, said in an interview shortly after the birth of her youngest son Trig, who has Down Syndrome. "We understand that every innocent life has wonderful potential."

The differences between the McCain/Palin ticket and the Obama/Biden ticket are clear. While Senator McCain has a very strong record on the life issues, Barack Obama is the most pro-abortion candidate ever nominated by a major political party.

Senator Obama voted multiple times to deny care and protection to children born alive after abortion attempts. He is also co-sponsor of an extreme bill, the so-called "Freedom of Choice Act," that would make partial-birth abortion legal again and require taxpayer funding of abortions. For further information, go to

"The country now has a clear choice," added Darla St. Martin, Co-Executive Director of the National Right to Life Committee, "between an avowed pro-abortion ticket that would continue to push for unrestricted abortion on demand, and a strongly pro-life ticket that will bring us closer to a society that embraces the value and dignity of human life."

The National Right to Life Committee is the nation's largest pro-life group with affiliates in all 50 states and over 3,000 local chapters nationwide. National Right to Life works through legislation and education to protect those threatened by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Heißluftballon in Not: Frau nach Notlandung getötet

Heißluftballon in Not:

Frau nach Notlandung getötet

Ludwigshafen/Rhein/Frankenthal. 29. August 2008. Am Freitagabend gegen 20.05 Uhr musste ein Heißluftballon in der Nähe der Stadt Frankenthal notlanden. Bei der Notlandung wurde aus bislang nicht geklärten Grunden eine Frau getötet.

Ein Sachverständiger des Luftfahrtbundesamtes ist in die polizeiliche Ermittlungen eingebunden.

Die Ursache für die Außen-Notlandung und die näheren Umstände im Zusammenhang mit den tödlichen Verletzungen der Frau stehen derzeit noch nicht fest.

Entsprechende Ermittlungen dauern an.

Die Unglücksstelle befindet sich in der Gemarkung Bobenheim-Roxheim ca. 200 Meter nach dem Ortsausgang in Richtung Worms rechts neben der L 523.


Christianity Today's Unique Politics Blog

Christianity Today's Unique Politics Blog

MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Christianity Today's Politics '08 blog launched only a few weeks ago, but it's already receiving recognition from journalistic peers. Michael Paulson's religion blog at The Boston Globe: "From a distance, the best coverage I've seen of the role of faith at the convention has been in the politics blog over at Christianity Today ..."

GetReligion: "Now, if you are interested in the actual religious content of the speech, you need to head over to the weblog at Christianity Today, where Ted Olsen, Sarah Pulliam and Co. have quite a bit of interesting material for you to read." Christianity Today's online editor, Sarah Pulliam, has been reporting live in Denver from the Democratic National Convention and will now report live from The Republican National Convention in Minneapolis. She liveblogs events, interviews experts, and gives analysis. Pulliam is available for interviews at the convention in Minneapolis. For religion coverage you won't find anywhere else, visit the Christianity Today Politics Blog here.

Richard Viguerie: She's Perfect

Richard Viguerie: She's Perfect -- With VP Pick, McCain 'Unites the GOP, Gives Conservatives a Stake in the Election, and Puts a Real Reformer on the Ticket'

MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- The selection of Governor Sarah Palin as John McCain's vice presidential running mate unites the Republican Party and energizes its conservative base, Richard A. Viguerie said.

"McCain has chosen to balance his ticket with a principled conservative. Governor Palin's life story is one of sticking to principle. She is living proof that a person can take on the corrupt political establishment - including corrupt leaders in her own party - and achieve great things," he said.

Viguerie, the Chairman of, added: "There's an old expression in politics: Go along to get along. Not this time. The selection of Sarah Palin is one big kick-in-the-pants to the corrupt establishment in both parties.

"Congratulations to John McCain for hearing and responding to conservatives. Conservatives, the base of the party, have been listless. But, now, nearly all will work enthusiastically for the McCain-Palin ticket. In fact, this is the most enthusiastic conservatives have been since the era for Ronald Reagan."

He concluded: "This is a grand-slam home run. Conservatives' feet haven't touched the ground since this announcement."

NOTE TO EDITORS: Richard A. Viguerie pioneered political direct mail and has been called "one of the creators of the modern conservative movement" (The Nation magazine), one of the "conservatives of the century" (The Washington Times), and one of 2008's "top 25 influencers" among Republicans (NewsMax magazine). His latest book is Conservatives Betrayed: How George W. Bush and Other Big-Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause.

Important Update from Rev. Rob Schenck, VIP Guest of the John McCain Campaign as VP Announcement is Made Today

Important Update from Rev. Rob Schenck, VIP Guest of the John McCain Campaign as VP Announcement is Made Today

DAYTON, Ohio, Aug. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- President of the conservative and pro-life National Clergy Council, Rev. Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK), will be a VIP guest at John McCain's campaign announcement today in Dayton Ohio when he will name his Vice Presidential running mate. Mr. Schenck, who just returned from the Democratic National Convention, was told this morning by confidential sources that Senator McCain has selected Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, a pro-life Christian.

Rev. Schenck states "If indeed Governor Palin has been selected as John McCain's running mate it is reason for pro-life conservatives to rejoice. If this is indeed the case, it is important to note that this ticket will include a formidable and experienced executive who is also a woman, the combination is powerful and will prove irresistible to many religious and other conservatives."

Rev. Schenck is available for further comment over the weekend at mobile 703-447-7686 and during weekday hours at 202-546-8329, extension 101.

2008 Republican National Convention Commentary

2008 Republican National Convention Commentary: Remarks on Vice President as Prepared for Delivery by Jessica Davis, Assistant Professor of Ethics and Public Policy

CHICAGO, Aug. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is a statement on Senator McCain's Vice President selection, as prepared for delivery, by Dr. Jessica Davis, the Assistant Professor of Ethics and Public Policy at New Brunswick Theological Seminary, the oldest seminary in North America.

"History may show that Senator Obama made a strategic mistake when he did not pick Senator Clinton as his Vice President. When he did not pick Senator Clinton, he left the door open for Senator McCain. Governor Palin boldly knocked on the open door today when she stated that 'we are going to break through the glass ceiling once and for all' in response to Senator Clinton's statement on her 18 million primary votes representing 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling. The high point of Obama's campaign last night has been eclipsed in the media by Senator McCain's choice for vice president today. This is politics at its best. I have not been this excited about American politics in a long time. I can only imagine that a strategy meeting has been called at Obama's campaign office today."

Frederick County Right-to-Life Gearing up for '40 Days for Life Tri-State Kick-Off'

Frederick County Right-to-Life Gearing up for '40 Days for Life Tri-State Kick-Off'

MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Frederick County Right to Life and other Pro-Life groups in the Tri-State area (MD, VA, DC) will be kicking off the National 40 Days for Life Campaign on Friday, September 19th, 6:30 p.m. at the Quinn Chapel Christian Life Center. Ms. Nellie Gray who has directed the annual March for Life for over 30 years in Washington D.C. will be our special and honored guest -- Many distinguished pro-life leaders will be there (DAVID BEREIT- 40 DAYS FOR LIFE) to help us to fight for the unborn and to salute a great leader in the LIFE MOVEMENT--- including Jenny Dixon, Executive Director of CARE-NET, Frederick. Dinner Ticket donations are $25.00. The address is 132 East 4th Street. Tickets are available from any member of Maryland Right to Life or Frederick County Right to Life.

Call 301-662-5133, or 301-662-0471, Mrs. Joan Tansey or e-mail us at or Thank you for passing the word to your family, friends and colleagues.

Tickets are going fast. Reserve yours today! Please join us for delicious food, extraordinary fellowship and to be a part of this historical moment in time!

Ms. Rene' Joseph
Frederick County Right to Life
Frederick, Maryland
301-662-5133, 301-663-1550 or

Ms. Angela Martin
Maryland Right to Life

Ms. Linda Brenegan
Respect Life Director,
Baltimore, MD

Host Church -- Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Church
Champion Pro-Life Advocate, Pastor Luke J.
Senior Pastor

Water Missions International Prepares for an Active Disaster Season

Water Missions International Prepares for an Active Disaster Season

CHARLESTON, Sc., Aug. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today, on the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Water Missions International (WMI) is preparing to respond to catastrophes around the world as the height of this year's natural disaster season approaches. WMI staff and volunteers have readied 20 water purification systems for immediate deployment to disaster-affected regions across the globe. In the aftermath of a disaster, the most urgent need is safe water. Each WMI water system has the capacity to purify up to 10,000 gallons of water per day, enough to provide clean, safe water for the drinking and cooking needs of 3,000 people.

Having responded to two major disasters earlier this year, the Cyclone in Myanmar and the earthquake in China, WMI's greatest need is funding. The organization welcomes donations to help replenish its disaster relief fund and assist future relief efforts.

About WMI: Water Missions International (WMI) is a nonprofit, Christian engineering organization based in Charleston, SC. WMI's mission is to provide sustainable access to safe water and an opportunity to hear the "Living Water" message in developing countries and disaster areas. Assistance is provided regardless of age, sex, race, or faith. To date, WMI has deployed a total of 591 water systems in 36 countries worldwide and two U.S. states, making safe water available to more than one million people. Visit us at

If you would like more information about Water Missions International or to donate funds, please contact Danya Jordan at (843)769-7395 x 210 or Donations are also accepted online at

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pro-Life Activists Plan Peaceful and Prayerful Protest Outside of Senator Obama's Hotel in Denver This Evening, August 27

Pro-Life Activists Plan Peaceful and Prayerful Protest Outside of Senator Obama's Hotel in Denver This Evening, August 27

DENVER, Aug. 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- The activists with the Christian Defense Coalition and A Prayer for Change plan to have prayer, display large signs, and hold banners outside of the hotel where Senator Obama will be staying tonight. The senator is expected to arrive in Denver for the Democratic National Convention sometime late Wednesday, August 27.

The group will have with them a 25 year old woman named Brandi Lozier, survivor of a late term abortion, who will attempt to meet with Senator Obama at his hotel this evening.

"We have been in Denver throughout the week praying for an end to abortion and praying that Senator Obama will embrace social justice and human rights and end this brutal war on innocent American children. We have also been educating the American public to the radical abortion policies of Senator Obama." -- Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director, Christian Defense Coalition.

The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything on DVD

The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything on DVD

The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything -- A Veggietales Movie

Kids Score Hidden Treasure on DVD Release
NASHVILLE, Aug. 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- Big Idea and Universal Pictures announce the DVD release of The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything -- A VeggieTales Movie (, starring Larry the Cucumber, Mr. Lunt, and Pa Grape (Elliot, Sedgewick and George) as three animated moping misfits wanting to prove to the world they are heroes. After all . . . how hard could it be? On shelves October 11th, 2008 at Christian retail stores and October 14th, 2008 everywhere, Pirates is an all-new, feature-length movie that illustrates traditional values for kids, and the DVD comes packed with priceless bounty in more than two hours of bonus features.

The three hapless pirates made a cameo appearance in the 2002 theatrical release Jonah, A VeggieTales Movie, before landing their starring performance in The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything--A VeggieTales Movie, that sailed onto cinemaplex screens nationwide last January. During the theatrical run, and through this summer's vacation Bible school season, children and their parents watched the trio's exploits at sea, discovering along the way what it really means to be a hero! The soundtrack features artists like TobyMac, Newsboys, and Relient K singing showstoppers like "Yo Ho Hero," "Rock Monster" and "Jolly Jo's."

The Pirates DVD delivers a treasure chest brimming with more than 20 extras, including an all- new extended ending; family activities and interactive books, art and games; video and audio features (see list attached).

With all that fun, what could be better than pizza and a movie? Big Idea and Universal Pictures have partnered with Mama Rosa's Pizza and Our Old Italian Brand Pizza to include Pirates mail in rebate offers on more than a million pizzas in American supermarkets.

The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything--A VeggieTales Movie was written by Phil Vischer and directed by Mike Nawrocki. Built on solid values since the inception of VeggieTales in 1993, the franchise has sold more than 52 million DVDs/videos, 13 million books and more than 7 million CDs.
PIRATES BONUS FEATURES - More than two hours of extras!

All-new extended ending

Family activities and interactions
- PARENTS GUIDE Interactive Book
- Family Treasure Adventure

Behind the Scenes
- WHY WE DO IT Video Feature
- ART GALLERY – Bringing the Script to Life Interactive Feature
- HOW TO DRAW Video Feature.

Bob & Larry's Playhouse (fun and games)
- PIRATE 101 WITH WILLORY AND ELLIOTT Learn to act and talk
like a pirate.
- FASHION PLANK GAME Interactive dress-up.

Bonus Clips
- GAME CLUE Video Feature
- EASTER EGGS Video Feature

Marketing blitz that includes more than 150 million impressions include radio, print ads, Christmas shopping guide, pre-sale campaign, pirates parties with DVD premiere, family fun events, and grassroots in-home events.

MaMa Rosa's Pizza and Our Old Italian Brand Pizza – more than 1MM packages will feature a mail-in rebate offer for customers

The products will begin distribution 9/30/08.

Street Date: October 11, 2008
Price: $29.99 SRP
UPC: 025195053389 (full screen) and 025195055369 (wide screen)
Running Time: 1 Hour, 26 Minutes
Layers: Dual Layer
Aspect Ratio: Anamorphic Widescreen 1.85:1, Full-Frame 1.33:1
Rating: G
Languages: English and Spanish
Subtitles: English
Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1

Big Idea, Inc., an Entertainment Rights group company, is the leading faith-based studio and producer of children's and family programming, characters and brands. Since 1993, Big Idea's best-selling animated series VeggieTales® has sold 52+ million videos, 13 million books and 7 million CDs. VeggieTales® and Big Idea's newest property, 3-2- 1 Penguins!®, are in their second season as top- rated series on NBC Saturday mornings, Telemundo and ION TV via the qubo children's programming block. The studio's two theatrical releases, Jonah-A VeggieTales Movie (2002), and Universal Pictures' and Big Idea's The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything-A VeggieTales Movie (2008), are distinguished among the top ten most successful faith-based films of all time. Big Idea also maintains an extensive presence in publishing, licensing and live entertainment arenas. For more information on Big Idea, visit:

The Sacred Mint to Give Away 500 FREE Cross Necklaces

The Sacred Mint to Give Away 500 FREE Cross Necklaces

Inspired by the tough economic situation in the US, the Sacred Mint would like to assist the Christian Community by giving away 500 Free Jerusalem Cross Necklaces to the public. The necklace contains ground fragments from the Hills of Jerusalem which is displayed in the beautiful filigree cross. The Sacred Mint hopes the free gift will inspire Christians to seek God during these difficult times.

HAZLET, NJ, Aug. 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- Inspired by the growing economic difficulties facing many Americans, the Sacred Mint will be giving away 500 Free Cross Necklaces in an effort to comfort Christians with a symbol of God's love.

The cross necklaces which are presently selling on their website for $22.95 will be given away to the first 500 visitors starting at 9:00AM on 9/5/08. Visitors should go to at this time to receive their free cross. There will be a 1 cross maximum per visitor to ensure that the 500 crosses are distributed fairly.

The Jerusalem Cross necklace will be available in either Gold or Silver, and include a matching 24" chain. Each cross has ground fragments from the Hills of Jerusalem which can be seen through the Filigree pattern. Each cross also comes with a see-through gift box and an individually numbered Certificate of Authenticity. More information regarding the Jerusalem Cross be found on the Sacred Mint website.

For additional information on the Sacred Mint Cross Giveaway, please contact Jason Del Giudice or the website. Free samples of the Cross will be offered to the media for review before the event.

ABOUT THE SACRED MINT – The Sacred Mint's mission is to offer unique Christian gifts to the community. We would like to enlighten the Christian community about each gifts origin, and explain how it has helped to build the foundation of our Faith. Each Christian gift is handpicked, to ensure that the story behind it is as amazing as the gift itself. The Sacred Mint feels that to spread the faith to others, we must first understand ourselves how Christianity has blossomed throughout the ages.

Opinion: Obama is Fit to Be Commander-in-Chief

Opinion: Obama is Fit to Be Commander-in-Chief

OPINION, Aug. 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Gary McCullough, director of Christian Newswire:

Barack Obama is a proven and consistent leader in the war against children in the womb. His dedication to funding and fighting this war has never wavered. He has never voted against a weapons system to kill children in the womb. His ability to stand against his own Democratic Party and support partial-birth abortion defines Obama as a maverick.

There is little debate over the fact that each and every soldier in this war, America's abortion providers, supports the election of Obama, and those that can afford to do so, donate only to Obama's campaign.

Obama also has the support of all veterans groups in this war. The VFW of the war on the unborn, Planed Parenthood, was given a prominent place in Tuesday's Democratic National Convention. Planned Parenthood is the world's largest provider and promoter of abortion on demand. This war's American Legion, the National Abortion Federation, also supports without condition the election of a President Obama.

Soldiers in this war will never need to worry in regard to funding. Emily's List could find itself incorporated into an Obama administration, as part of his Abortion Veterans Affairs Department. From Joe Biden to Rev. Wright, Obama's litmus test will exclude anyone who is not a fully vetted patriot in this war. Forgetting to wear an American Flag pin is understandable; but should even the lowest level staff member wear a "Baby-Feet" pin, such would be grounds for ostracization.

While enemies of our allies are emboldened by Obama stating that our nation cannot fully condemn the invasion of the sovereign nation of Georgia as long as America hypocritically does the same; nations that need America's help to fund and fight their own wars against the unborn need never fear any such statement from Obama.

If the past is any indicator of future priorities, the hunt for Osama bin Laden will not be as important as disabling the impact of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

If Obama's response to the abortion question posed by Rick Warren at the Saddleback Church event has some questioning Obama's resolve, you must see the question was based upon a false premise. Obama has made it perfectly clear that no quarter will be granted to the unborn. Even when an unborn child escapes the actual abortion and takes a breath of air, that child must still be treated as if unborn and left to die. Obama made it clear that any assistance to this ultimate complication, a born-alive abortion, would infringe upon a woman's right to choose.

Obama truly has a spine of steel when it comes to this war; not even a POW, a born-alive abortion, should be allowed to escape his or her intended death.

John McCain may have the experience, proven leadership, and internationally recognized toughness in wars with bullets -- but it is Senator Obama that has proven his unwavering commitment and support to the War on the Unborn.

As commander-in-chief in this war against unborn children, Obama could very well be successful to the point that we would alter one of our nation's symbols as to have the warring American eagle no longer hold weapons of conventional warfare but rather display talons that grasp two parts of a shredded unborn baby.

--Please feel free to use and or edit this submission. Bio on Gary McCullough is available online.

Prop 4 Fact Check

Prop 4 Fact Check

MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Yes on 4 Campaign is setting the record straight because the opposition has repeatedly misled the public with false and misleading information.

CLAIM: Parental notification laws will harm minors. Scared teens will turn to back-alley abortions or commit suicide.
FACT: There is absolutely no research or even a single documented case to back up the claim that notification laws endanger minors.

CLAIM: The teen birth rate will rise as girls are forced into unwanted motherhood
FACT: Again, there is no data to back up this claim and in fact, the opposite is true. Parental involvement laws have been associated with reduced teen birthrates, pregnancy rates, and rates of sexually transmitted disease.

CLAIM: California's teen pregnancy rate is already dropping
FACT: The State of California does not collect data on the number of abortions, a number that is necessary in order to accurately determine the teen pregnancy rate. But even Planned Parenthood's own research arm estimates that California has the seventh highest teen pregnancy rate in the country.

CLAIM: Most girls already tell their parents about their decision before having an abortion
FACT: Only one of the studies used to support this claim actually deals with the question of minor girls talking to their parents before an abortion. That study found that most girls do NOT tell a parent about the decision to have an abortion. The study found that only 45% of minors in the study told a parent about their abortion. Only 55% of those under age 14 told a parent.

CLAIM: Almost all of those teens who don't tell a parent do consult with another trusted adult, such as a teacher, counselor, nurse, or clergy member
FACT: Broken down, the opponent's claims are greatly inflated. Only 47% of minors under the age of 16 and 52% over 16, who did not tell their parents, reported involving another adult. Only 22% of these minors reported that the "other adult" was a teacher, nurse, etc. Thirteen percent of the minors reported that an adult (over age 21) boyfriend was the "other adult" consulted.

CLAIM: The girls who don't tell a parent fear being physically abused or thrown out of their home
FACT: The study that opponents use to support their claim actually found that the most common reason, by far, for minors not telling their parent(s) was because they "didn't want to hurt or disappoint parent."
The Yes on 4 Campaign is a coalition of doctors, nurses, and educators working to pass Proposition 4/Sarah's Law because they care about the physical and emotional health of vulnerable young girls, who shouldn't have to make such an adult decision alone. To join the coalition, visit

Englert: Internet als Chance für den Einzelhandel

Englert: Internet als Chance für den Einzelhandel

Mainz. (red). 25. August 2008. Die Bedeutung des Internets wird für den rheinland-pfälzischen Einzelhandel weiter wachsen. Dies zeigte die Veranstaltung „Alles Vertrauenssache: Chancen des Internet-Vertriebes für den rheinland-pfälzischen Einzelhandel“ des Branchenforums „handel.connect“, das in der Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (ISB) GmbH stattfand. Initiatoren des Forums sind das rheinland-pfälzische Wirtschaftsministerium, die ISB und der Landesverband Einzelhandel.

Siegfried Englert, Staatssekretär im rheinland-pfälzischen Wirtschaftsministerium, betonte: „Die Bedeutung des Internet-Handels wird aufgrund der demografischen Entwicklung in den ländlichen Gebieten unseres Landes an Bedeutung gewinnen.“ Hier werde der Bevölkerungsrückgang allen Prognosen nach besonders stark sein. „Hier kann der Online-Vertrieb künftig eine wichtige Rolle spielen und eine Chance für den Einzelhandel darstellen.“ Das Land Rheinland-Pfalz werde sich weiterhin dafür einsetzen, dass auch die ländlichen Regionen mit schnellen Internetverbindungen versorgt seien.

Der Sprecher der ISB-Geschäftsführung, Hans-Joachim Metternich und der Präsident des Landesverbandes Einzelhandel Rheinland-Pfalz, Adolf Bauer, wiesen auf die wachsende Bedeutung des Internets für den Einzelhandel hin: „Im Weihnachtsgeschäft sind 4,6 Milliarden Euro online umgesetzt worden.“ Der Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandels (HDE) rechne für das Jahr 2008 mit Online-Umsätzen von 20 Milliarden Euro. „Besonders für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen ist ein gelungener Online-Shop imagefördernd“, so Metternich. Das Internet biete gerade für kleinere Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, mit regionalen Produkten auf nationalen und internationalen Märkten zu punkten.

Julia Riedel, Projektleiterin beim Designforum „descom“, gab wertvolle Tipps für die Gestaltung einer Online-Plattform für den Internethandel: „Wichtig ist, dass der Kunde sich bei der Online-Suche nach Produkten auf Anhieb zurecht findet.“ Eine übersichtliche Benutzerführung sei daher von zentraler Bedeutung. Zudem müsse ein Online-Händler so viele Informationen wie möglich im Internet bereitstellen, denn der Kunde habe nicht die Möglichkeit, das Produkt wie im Geschäft aus nächster Nähe zu begutachten.

Mit der Mittelstandsinitiative „coNNect“ bietet das Land Rheinland-Pfalz ein ausgezeichnetes Instrument, um kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen beim Einsatz der Internet-Technologie wertvolle Hilfe zu leisten und neue Impulse für den Mittelstand zu setzen, um überregional wettbewerbsfähig und erfolgreich zu sein und somit Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen.

Im Rahmen des Beratungsnetzwerkes wurden seit 2001 rund 3 680 individuelle Beratungen, davon rund 480 Webchecks (Prüfung der Internetseiten), rund 850 eigene Veranstaltungen (u.a. Workshops, Seminare, Schulungen, Lehrgänge) mit etwa 13 000 Teilnehmern durchgeführt.

40 Days for Life Campaign Coming to 170+ Cities in US and Canada this Fall

40 Days for Life Campaign Coming to 170+ Cities in US and Canada this Fall

WASHINGTON, Aug. 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- "We may be on the verge of a turning point in the battle against abortion," said David Bereit, national campaign director of 40 Days for Life. "Response to our call for communities to participate in this fall's 40 Days for Life campaign has exceeded our wildest expectations." More than 170 cities will take part in this effort from September 24 through November 2.

The community-based 40 Days for Life campaign features 40 days of prayer and fasting, round-the-clock peaceful vigil outside an abortion facility and grassroots educational outreach. Simultaneous campaigns will be conducted coast-to-coast - and internationally - as part of a unified outreach in some 170 communities. In a number of those communities, peaceful vigils will be conducted at multiple abortion locations.

"We're especially pleased to see three Canadian cities joining 40 Days for Life this fall," said Bereit, noting that campaigns will be conducted in Toronto, Ottawa and Halifax. "As there will also be a campaign in Washington, D.C., this means that 40 Days for Life will have a presence in the capitals of two nations. We firmly believe that this campaign of prayer and fasting will have a profound impact."

In all, 40 Days for Life events are taking place in 45 states, the District of Columbia and two Canadian provinces. The list of participating cities is online at

"The spread of 40 Days for Life is amazing," said Bereit. "The growth of this outreach is a reflection of the excitement that people are expressing about the many ways 40 Days for Life impacts a community. This program is being embraced by cities conducting their first 40 Days for Life and those who are planning their second, third, or - in the case of Bryan/College Station, Texas - fourth campaign."

Bereit noted that more than 75 of the 40 Days for Life prayer vigils will be held outside of Planned Parenthood facilities. "Planned Parenthood is a special concern because it is the nation's largest abortion provider," said Bereit. Planned Parenthood's latest annual report shows some 290,000 abortions performed in a single year - almost one fourth of the total number for the entire United States.

"This fall marks a critical time for our country and our culture, and this heartfelt effort to pray and fast for an end to abortion is crucial with regards to our future and what sort of nation we wish to become," said Bereit. "We hope to share the truth about what abortion does to every community where it is practiced, and to make this fall the beginning of the end of abortion in America."

Historic Christian Women's Workplace Expo Helps Advance Working Women

Historic Christian Women's Workplace Expo Helps Advance Working Women

MARIETTA, Georgia, August 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- The inaugural God's Love at Work 2008 Women's Conference & Expo will be held Saturday November 8, 2008, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Mt. Paran North Church in Marietta, Ga.

Fortified with over a dozen workplace and ministry experts, this historic women's event is purposed to encourage all women in their work lives, including moms, young single professionals and seasoned career women.

"To my knowledge," says God's Love at Work Founder Margaret D. Mitchell, "this is the first Christian women's workplace Expo that has been held inside a church within the U.S."

God's Love at Work is partnering with Mount Paran North, which has a strong workplace ministry foundation. Their faith statement of "Loving God, loving people" fits with the Expo theme, which is Love3.

"From the beginning," says Margaret, "I knew it was God's event, and I knew I couldn't do it without Him. I've marveled at how He has creatively led me and brought experts alongside me to participate."

The event will include two general sessions and eight breakout sessions. The Expo portion of the event will be held during lunchtime from noon to 1:30 p.m. and will accommodate both lunch tables and exhibit tables for the convenience of attendees to dine, network and shop.

The event's theme, Love3, highlights the confluent relationship each woman shares with God, herself and others and is based on Ephesians 3:18 (the width, length, height and depth of God's love) and God's Greatest Commandments, which is to love Him with all of our heart, soul and mind and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matt. 22:37-39).

Admission for both the Conference & Expo is $35 per person. Women may register online through November 7 or at the church on Sundays in October and November.

Worship and comedic relief will be facilitated by "Beloved," a trio of female singers led by former Miss Georgia and television co-host Kim Gravel. They will sing favorites and new tracks from their latest CD, " Wake The World".

This year's keynote speaker is Fortune 500 businesswoman Dondi Scumaci. Dondi is the author of "Designed For Success: The 10 Commandments For Women In The Workplace."

To view an expanded press release, which includes breakout topics, visit d/Expo_PressRelease_Online_08112008_Rev0.pdf

To view a downloadable poster, visit d/EFlyerVersion7.pdf.

Two Missionaries Released from Detention in Inner Mongolia

Two Missionaries Released from Detention in Inner Mongolia
Two Others Remain in Detentionþ

INNER MONGOLIA, Aug. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- CAA has learned that two of the four missionaries detained in Inner Mongolia in early July have been released after serving 30 days adminstrative detention.

Yu Yongqing and Li Shusen were released on Aug. 6 and Aug 10, respectively. Yu Yongqing was released after paying an undisclosed amount of money to PSB officials for his release. Two of the four detained missionaries, Li Li and Wang Shuang remain in detention. Mr. Wang's wife and sister visited the PSB detention center where he was being held upon entering the station they were shown into Wang's cell where he was seen being hung by handcuffs. The two women left seriously distraught yet helpless to change the situation.

The other detainee, Li Li has been diagnosed by PSB officials as having a serious lung disease and possibly lung cancer. Detention guard officials fearful that Li will die under their watch have determined that Li will be placed under house detention with the condition that Li will promise not to escape while at home.

Click Here to see original story

Concerned Roman Catholics Condemn Knights of Columbus

Concerned Roman Catholics Condemn Knights of Columbus

Do-Nothing, 'Wine and Dine' Convention

MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- Concerned Roman Catholics of America, Inc. (CRCOA) today criticized Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson for his hypocritical attitude toward unborn babies during the Supreme Convention in Quebec, Aug. 5-7. As the Knights and bishops feasted for three days, 10,000 innocent children died by abortion in the USA alone.

Ken Fisher, president and founder of CRCOA, asked, "Why is it that Anderson has not expelled the many pro-abortion and pro-homosexual politicians and members in the K of C, and why do councils continue to rent their halls to them? Actions speak louder than words. The danger to unborn children demands action, not empty rhetoric."

Fisher noted that Anderson said in his keynote speech, "It's time we stop accommodating pro- abortion politicians, and it's time we start demanding that they accommodate us."

Fisher said: "Anderson was half right! While the weakest go to the wall, with 50 million babies aborted since Roe v Wade in 1973, the K of C have not really completely evolved into an action group to eliminate abortion. Anderson refuses to recognize that he and the Order are a massive part of the abortion problem, and that K of C politicians defeated an effort by a record 170,000 signatories to put traditional marriage on the ballot in Massachusetts in 2008. Not only that, but out-of-state homosexuals can now marry in Massachusetts and return to their home states to seek legal recognition, because K of C politicians just recently helped repeal a Massachusetts protect- marriage law."

Fisher continued, "Anderson has led the K of C for nearly eight years. He has happily followed in the footsteps of former Supreme Knight Virgil Dechant, who told me in August 2005 that pro-abortion politicians will 'never' be expelled! Anderson, Dechant and Supreme Advocate Paul Devin, who ruled 'unconstitutional' a Massachusetts State Convention resolution by Grand Knight Joe Craven to suspend pro-abortion and pro-homosexual politicians, must go. To be taken seriously, Supreme Chaplain Bishop William Lori and the other bishops must excommunicate the pro-abortion and pro- homosexual politicians and members."

"CRCOA looks forward to the day when we can report that the K of C at supreme, state and local level enforce the resolutions they have repeatedly passed at their conventions," concluded Fisher.

Church Communication Tool Takes Ministry to a New Level

Church Communication Tool Takes Ministry to a New Level

DALLAS, Aug. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- Administration is a fact of life, a frustrating truth for pastors juggling prayer time, sermon preparation, counseling and discipleship. The daily administrative hassles related to keeping a congregation informed can become an intrusion on the time that could be spent pursuing ministry opportunities. But it doesn't have to be that way. Imagine never sending another mass email again to communicate about service opportunities, prayer needs within the church family, or other announcements. Imagine a place where individual members of a congregation could organize a Bible study or local ministry opportunity and communicate that information to others who are interested in serving. Imagine Unifyer.

Unifyer is the latest innovation from Pursuant, a Dallas-based company that serves non-profits, educational institutions, and ministries- organizations whose budgetary constraints tend to diminish their attractiveness to other technology providers. Pursuant CEO Matt Frazier states, "For too long, non-profits and ministries have been stuck with outdated software instead of technology applied specifically to their needs. People don't need more software. They need service and solutions."

Unifyer is not a website, database or just another online community. Instead, Unifyer is a powerful web- based tool that allows pastors to deliver important information to church members with the click of a button. It's also a place where individual church ministries can communicate with their participants and with each other, all without requiring the pastor's involvement.

When individual church members open Unifyer on their computers, they can customize their experience to include the ministries that capture their interest. Church members can read news feeds for each individual ministry, post comments and blog entries, and even post video. There is also an area reserved for major announcements that pastors want the entire church to see. Incorporating this technology into the church culture is a great way to engage the younger generations who have come to depend on social networking sites as a means through which to build their communities. Though Unifyer gives individual members the chance to express themselves, pastors and other designated administrators still retain some measure of control. Any content flagged as inappropriate can be quickly deleted.

Unifyer is the ideal tool for the dynamic church seeking to foster a vibrant community where every member feels valued, connected, and motivated to serve.

To experience Unifyer, visit

Contemporary Booklet Series Delivers Biblical Solutions

Contemporary Booklet Series Delivers Biblical Solutions

DALLAS, Aug. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- This Sunday, churches across the country will fill with smiling, nicely dressed people. But looks can be deceiving. From the anonymous back-row pew-dweller married to an abusive spouse to the prominent church member struggling with a secret addiction, the body of Christ is not immune to the messes that accompany daily living in our fallen world. These people desperately need to feel God's healing touch, but is the church ready to deal with such serious crises?

New Growth Press is pleased to introduce a new series of booklets that will equip pastors, counselors, and everyday Christians to provide encouragement and real life-giving answers for people dealing with serious problems. The faculty of CCEF (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation), long recognized for their adherence to scripture and excellence in counseling technique, have authored this exciting collection of 21 new titles. The topics are divided into three categories: Parenting Resources, Marriage and Family Resources, and Resources for Personal Change.

"One of our most important roles at New Growth Press is to enable our insightful authors to address pressing issues from the perspective of Christian faith, especially areas of hidden sin that have been sidestepped by the church in the past. Basically, we write candidly about the issues that most people don't want to talk about," states company president Karen Teears. "Like everything we publish with CCEF, these booklets are very gospel-centered and dense with scripture. This series is a great resource for churches who want to meet the changing needs of their congregations."

The booklets are designed for use in a variety of settings. Pastors and counselors are encouraged to utilize them in conjunction with regular counseling sessions. The concise format, affordable price, and contemporary, compelling cover art make these materials ideally suited for the check-out area or gospel tract section of a bookstore or a free display in a church lobby. "So many of the issues addressed in this series are associated with deep shame, and many people haven't yet summoned the courage to talk to someone about their problems," Teears reflects. "The simple act of reading a free booklet can be the first step toward confronting and dealing with their sin."

For a complete list of the new booklet titles available, visit

Sky Angel Productions Releases Babies Love Water!

Sky Angel Productions Releases Babies Love Water! - Second DVD in Children's Series
Sky Angel Productions, LLC is pleased to announce the release of the latest video in their Halo Baby children's series, Babies Love Water!

MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- This is the second title in the series and teaches animal and color identification. Halo Baby is a video series created just for babies and toddlers with a Christian orientation, incorporating simple biblical elements into every video. Exclusive "babyfied" classical and orchestrated music by legendary composer Paul Todd is set to videos of sea creatures, animations, and, of course, babies!

"Not only are these programs fun to produce but they are fun to watch! It is so wonderful to see the reactions that children have as they enjoy the colorful images and fun animations -- you can't help but smile along with them. It's such a blessing to know that the seed of God's love is being planted deep in the hearts and souls of little ones at such a formative age," said Hope Daley, Vice President of Sky Angel Productions, LLC. "Future episodes include "Babies Love Christmas" which is due out this fall."

Assistance for Babies Love Water! was provided on location by The Florida Aquarium - Tampa Bay, along with child development guidance from Leslie S. Holland MSRC, LMHC and child educator Leslie A. Nelson, plus original music by Paul Todd.

The first DVD in the series, titled Babies Love Animals! was released in 2007. In April, 2008 Focus on the Family also began U.S. distribution of the first Halo Baby episode. Focus on the Family also reached an agreement this July to handle international distribution of retail and church sales for Babies Love Animals! Sky Angel also experienced a high volume of demand through its VOD feature, where Babies Love Animals! remains a top-viewed show.

Halo Baby episodes are available for purchase and are also broadcast on Sky Angel's own KTV network (Kids & Teen TV) which can be viewed by Sky Angel subscribers and DISH network subscribers.

Sky Angel offers thought-provoking TV with a purpose that is appropriate for the entire family to watch. Through IPTV technology they offer a line-up that includes more than 65 television and radio channels, featuring the widest variety of Christian channels available.

For more information or to purchase Halo Baby episodes, go online to

Sky Angel subscription information is available by visiting or by calling 1-800-SKY- ANGEL (1-800-759-2643).

Aircraft That Crashed Saturday in Indonesia Did Not Belong to Mission Aviation Fellowship

Aircraft That Crashed Saturday in Indonesia Did Not Belong to Mission Aviation Fellowship

NAMPA, Idaho, Aug. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- The light plane that crashed Saturday in Indonesia's easternmost province of Papua did not belong to Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF).

MAF made the announcement today in the wake of numerous calls it has received on the matter.

The pilot of the Pilatus Porter PC-6 airplane, which belonged to Associated Mission Aviation, was killed. No passengers were on board.

"We grieve with and ask for prayers for the pilot's family and the Associated Mission Aviation family," said John Boyd, president of MAF. "This was truly a terrible accident that has befallen our brother in Christ."

The phone number for Associated Mission Aviation in Indonesia is +62 967 591009.

Founded in 1945, MAF missionary teams of aviation, communications, technology and education specialists overcome barriers in remote areas, transform lives and build God's Kingdom by enabling the work of more than 1,000 organizations around the world. With its fleet of 134 bush aircraft, MAF serves in 51 countries, with an average of 281 flights daily across Africa, Asia, Eurasia and Latin America. MAF pilots transport missionaries, medical personnel, medicines and relief supplies, as well as conducting thousands of emergency medical evacuations. MAF also provides telecommunications services, such as satellite Internet access, high-frequency radios, electronic mail and other wireless systems, in isolated areas.

Richard Viguerie Praises McCain for Embrace of Deficit Hawk David Walker

Richard Viguerie Praises McCain for Embrace of Deficit Hawk David Walker

MANASSAS, Virginia, Aug. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of, praised Senator John McCain for indicating that he would tap former U.S. Comptroller David Walker to help balance the federal budget. In a statement, Viguerie said:

"Senator McCain has sent a clear signal that he would seek to end the massive deficits that have occurred during the Bush Administration and the last 10 years that the Republicans controlled Congress.

"Under George W. Bush, Dennis Hastert, Tom DeLay, Bill Frist, and Ted Stevens, the Republican Party was transformed from the party of fiscal responsibility to the party of spend and spend, elect and elect. John McCain may very well be serious in wanting the GOP to return to its ideological roots.

"At the end of July 2008, the national debt stood at $9.58 Trillion, of which $2.36 Trillion was owed to the Social Security Trust Fund.

"For Fiscal Year 2009, the national debt is projected to increase another $825 Billion, including $227 Billion to be borrowed from Social Security.

"This insanity must stop. Senator McCain's embrace of deficit hawk David Walker is a strong indicator to conservatives and independents that he intends to try to do something to stop these irresponsible deficits.

"I might note that David Walker has also talked with the fiscal advisers of Senator Barack Obama, so perhaps there is something hopeful in that as well. After all, Walker was appointed head of the General Accounting Office (GAO) by President Clinton and was appointed as Assistant Secretary of Labor by President Reagan.

"Republicans and Democrats should be able to agree that the annual budget deficits are unconscionable and that the cumulative national debt threatens our children's future."

NOTE TO EDITORS: Richard A. Viguerie pioneered political direct mail and has been called "one of the creators of the modern conservative movement" (The Nation magazine) and one of the "conservatives of the century" (The Washington Times). His latest book is Conservatives Betrayed: How George W. Bush and Other Big-Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause (Bonus Books), which, Jerome Corsi wrote in WorldNetDaily, is "destined to become a classic of conservative thinking" and "may be the most important conservative book written in the last quarter century."

Prop. 8 Campaign Announces Official Catholic Effort

Prop. 8 Campaign Announces Official Catholic Effort

Catholics for identified as leader

SACRAMENTO, California, Aug. 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Yes on Proposition 8, campaign - also known as the California Marriage Protection Act - announced today that Catholics for, led by the Knights of Columbus, California Catholic Conference and Catholics for the Common Good, has been established as the official Catholic grassroots effort dedicated to passing Proposition 8. All lay Catholic organizations and individuals are invited to join.

Catholics for is inspiring Catholics across the state to stand up for restoring marriage in California. "Our strong Catholic faith teaches us the importance of treating all of God's children with love and respect, it also teaches us that marriage between a man and a woman is the foundation of the family - the first school of love, peace and justice," said Bill May, chairman of Catholics for "The ruling by the California Supreme Court nullifying the legal definition of marriage in state law was a shock to Catholics and other citizens who are concerned about how this will affect their own children's understanding of marriage."

May also serves as chairman for Catholics for the Common Good, a lay Catholic apostolate founded on the social teachings of the Catholic Church.

Catholics have a long history of supporting marriage as being between a man and a woman. They played a key role in passing Proposition 22 in 2000, in which more than 61% of California voters overwhelmingly supported upholding the definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman. Catholics for joins the growing list of religious and non-religious groups working to pass Proposition 8.

"The fight to protect marriage is an all-encompassing effort that affects everyone in California," said Ron Prentice, chairman of the initiative. "We're honored to have Catholics for offer us their assistance and to add them to our diverse list of supporters. We expect they will help us motivate a groundswell of support for Proposition and we're confident that with that support we will restore the definition of marriage in California, come November."

Catholics for supports a wide variety of volunteer activities in parishes and surrounding communities including distribution of literature and phoning. For information on how Catholic organizations can join and individuals can volunteer, visit

Bill May, chairman of Catholics for is available for media interviews at (415) 615-4171.

About Us:
Knights of Columbus is the world's foremost Catholic fraternal benefit society. The Order has contributed time and energy worldwide to service in communities.

The California Catholic Conference is the public policy office for the Cardinal Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of San Francisco and the Bishops of the Dioceses of Fresno, Monterey, Oakland, Orange, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Jose, Santa Rosa and Stockton. For more information visit:

Catholics for the Common Good is a new Catholic action based on the social teachings of the Catholic Church. It is founded in response to the call of Pope John Paul II for the evangelization of culture, and the U.S. bishops' call for faithful citizenship. For more information visit:, is a broad-based coalition of California families, community leaders, religious leaders, pro-family organizations and individuals from all walks of life who have joined together to support Proposition 8. For more information visit:

Family Values Cinema Fills Void of Family-Friendly Entertainment

Family Values Cinema Fills Void of Family-Friendly Entertainment

New Subscription Film Company Puts Parents in Control of What Their Children See and Positions Itself as Premiere Provider of Wholesome Family Films
CAMARILLO, Calif., August 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- Family Values Cinema (FVC), a California-based DVD-of-the-month club, is anything but typical Hollywood. The company brings families together with movies that embrace inspiring stories and uplifting messages that reinforce traditional family values.

FVC got its start when Founder Patty Leonard, a recognized former home video distributor for many years, became disheartened by the growing number of films with inappropriate violence and sex being targeted towards families. Leonard created a subscription program to bring families together with movies that embrace superb storytelling and inspiring messages

"I'm just like most moms in America," says Leonard. "When my daughter was young, I found that content ratings of mainstream movies couldn't always be trusted, so I made it my mission to find movies parents would approve of and enjoy watching with their kids."

Leonard created subscription-based FVC, using a unique, triple-filter review process for its selections. First, FVC reviews films from all over the world to determine which movies meet the highest standards of quality and moral concepts. Approved movies are then reviewed by the National Board of Mothers, a select group of concerned moms across the country that grade films based on their entertainment value and wholesome family content. Finally, if a film gets a Double A+ rating, it is submitted to the non-profit Dove Foundation for its "Family Approved" seal.

FVC selections are not typically available through national retailers or video rental stores, making the film-watching experience truly unique. Additionally, each selection in the DVD-of-the-month program comes with a Family Discussion Guide to help parents spark conversation with their children about thought-inspiring moments from the film. There's nothing to return, since the movies are collectibles members keep.

About Family Values Cinema
Family Values Cinema (FVC) is a Camarillo, California-based DVD-of-the-month club providing budget friendly, high-quality, wholesome family films directly to parents' mailboxes, for members to keep and collect. Through its fundraising program, Family Values Cinema donates a significant portion of its monthly subscription fees to its family-friendly affiliates who share in the important work of building strong families and faith communities. For more information, visit

The World is Dying for True Heroes

The World is Dying for True Heroes

MEDIA ADVISORY, August 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- Perhaps one of the greatest assets in the Catholic Church is the men and women who have come before us and lived lives of heroic sanctity. Mother Teresa, John Paul the Great, Maximillian Kolbe, to name a few, and the story of their lives have inspired generation after generation of young and old alike. Juxtapose that with our present "video" culture, and you have the perfect fit for a new and dynamic Catholic company, Faith and Family Movies (FFM).

Trying to fill the need, FFM, has put together one of the finest collections of saint movies ever assembled. The "Heroes Collection" is a compilation of 28 high quality motion picture movies depicting the lives of holy men and women who have come before us. The twist with this is, Faith and Family Movies, is bringing the saints to the parishioners, by way of an attractive, cherry stained kiosk, that sits outside of church sanctuaries.

"Our goal is to make the lives of the saints available to the person who is not likely to visit a catholic bookstore, or go online to purchase them, so between curiosity, impulse, and grace, we are hoping they will pick one up and throw in a donation." -- Steve Thomas, CEO

"The work that you are doing is an inspiration to me and is vitally important" -- Fr. Tom, Lombard

"I recently saw a statistic that stated the average American consumer aged 12 and older with Internet access now spends 6.1 hours a DAY with video based entertainment, I knew we had to engage them where they are." -- Steve Thomas, CEO

Contact Faith and Family Movies by email:, or call, 708-258- 0001.

Americans United for Life Increases Funding for Voter Guides

Americans United for Life Increases Funding for Voter Guides

CHICAGO, August 12 /Standard Newswire/ -- Americans United for Life today announces the availability of $500,000 for 501(c) (3) organizations who wish to create and distribute non-partisan educational voter guides for the upcoming elections.

AUL President Dr. Charmaine Yoest said, "Voter guides are a way to empower voters to make well- informed choices on election day. Pro-life Americans want to get beyond the spin and know the truth, based on the record, about where the candidates stand."

Daniel McConchie, AUL Vice President & Executive Director, added, "Pro-life voters are a key constituency that both Democrats and Republicans ignore at their peril. Americans United for Life is looking forward to helping pro-life Americans across the country vote their values in this election."

AUL spent $215,000 on creation and distribution of more than 2.8 million voter guides in 2006. With the additional investment this year, AUL plans to distribute more than 6 million voter guides nationwide.

Organizations interested in applying for voter-guide funds should contact Daniel McConchie by September 12.

For more information or to apply, contact:
Daniel McConchie
Americans United for Life
310 S. Peoria St.
Ste. 500
Chicago, IL 60607

About Americans United for Life
Americans United for Life (AUL) is a nonprofit, public- interest law and policy organization whose vision is a nation in which every human being is welcomed in life and protected in law. The first national pro-life organization in America, AUL has been committed to defending human life through vigorous judicial, legislative, and educational efforts at both the federal and state levels since 1971. The Wall Street Journal has profiled AUL, and PBS's Frontline program chronicled AUL's successful efforts in Mississippi.

Atlanta's Female Christian Pop Trio 'Beloved' Releases Their Third CD: 'Wake The World'

Atlanta's Female Christian Pop Trio 'Beloved' Releases Their Third CD: 'Wake The World'

ATLANTA, August 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- Atlanta's own Christian Pop Trio, Beloved, releases their third CD, "Wake the World", Tuesday, August 19, 2008 nationwide through Infinity Music Distribution.

The group, led by former Miss Georgia Kim Gravel with Denise Clark and Amy Goin, joined forces with Atlanta producer John Carrozza to create their latest contemporary sound.

"Going in a different direction for this project was a deliberate choice for us," says Kim. "Sonically we wanted to create music that was more in line with what we like to sing and listen to. And lyrically we wanted to challenge ourselves and our listeners to get out there and live the life God intended for us."

Early in 2007, as Beloved set out to work on "Wake the World," they knew something new and different was about to happen.

"We were growing and changing as people," says Amy, "as artists, so naturally that was reflected in the music and lyrics we were writing."

And change they have. Kim and her husband, Travis, had their first baby, Beau Michael, last year. And Denise welcomed her first grandchild into the world. Amy also experienced change with her mother's passing.

The title song, "Wake the World," was inspired by the missions program of Cross Pointe Church in Duluth, Ga. where Kim and Amy are members.

Beloved's two previous releases, "Beloved" and "Lovely Day" received award nominations.

Beloved's release week television appearances include:

Tuesday, August 19 - "Celebration" show on Daystar Network. Airs at noon and 9 p.m. ET

Thursday, August 21 - "Rejoice" show on TCT Television Network. Airs live at 11:30 a.m. ET. TCT Television Network can be found on DirecTV channel 377. Or viewers can visit to watch the show live.

Friday, August 22 - "Atlanta Live" on WATC-TV 57. Airs live at 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. ET. WATC-TV 57 is seen in the Atlanta area on DirecTV channel 57 and on Comcast channel 2.

Beloved will perform live at the God's Love at Work 2008 Women's Conference & Expo Saturday, November 8, 2008, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. in Marietta, Ga.

For a complete list of Beloved's live performance schedule around town, visit

To listen to clips of "Wake the World" and read more about behind the scenes of each song, visit

To download photos of Beloved and their logo, visit

Facts on Reasonable Initiated Measure 11

Facts on Reasonable Initiated Measure 11

Re: Statement of Fact from about Reasonable Initiated Measure 11
SIOUX FALLS, SD, August 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- In 2006, the voters of South Dakota spoke loudly. They wanted to stop most abortions in South Dakota, but also wanted reasonable exceptions to allow women to have abortions in cases of rape, incest, life and health of the mother. Initiated Measure 11 meets the demands to include these exceptions. This is a reasonable law requested by the people of South Dakota.

Current public polling shows a majority of South Dakota voters would vote "Yes" on Initiated Measure 11. The campaign expects the number will increase to a healthy majority by election day and that the measure will pass with a large margin in November. "After this passes, we will be out on the road with the Fleet for Little Fleet, AKA the big bus, ministering to and helping women and families across the state of South Dakota," Leslee Unruh stated. Regarding the defeat of Referred Law 6 in 2006, Unruh acknowledged, "I felt terrible for the women, families and children of South Dakota who still had to deal with the scourge of abortion. I especially grieved for the post abortive women who gave their heart and soul working on the campaign."

South Dakota voters have responded with fervor! 58,000 people signed the petition to stop abortions from being used as birth control. South Dakota has never seen that kind of support for a ballot initiative. Now voters are going out into their communities spreading the word about Initiated Measure 11. From parade walking to attending county fairs, the people of South Dakota are passionate about life and working hard to get this reasonable law passed in November.

It is unfortunate that the opposition to Initiated Measure 11 is running their campaign from Washington, DC. The campaign is based in South Dakota and run by South Dakotans. It is clear that the national pro-abortion community is making their last stand in South Dakota by bringing in "big guns" such as Cecile Richards, President of National Planned Parenthood, and leaders from National Abortion Rights Action League. The opposing campaign is shamelessly on their knees, begging for national help with this South Dakota law.

Politik: In Deutschland wird ein Vollzeit-Studium von behinderten Menschen nicht anerkannt

In Deutschland wird ein Vollzeit-Studium von behinderten Menschen nicht anerkannt

Petition gegen die Diskriminierung von Studenten mit Behinderung

Von Andrew P. Harrod

New York / Ludwigshafen / Berlin. In Deutschland wird ein Vollzeit-Studium von Studenten und Menschen mit Behinderung offenbar durch den Bund nicht anerkannt. Das wurde vor wenigen Tagen bekannt. In den Jahren 2003 und 2004 war der Journalist Andreas Klamm, zugleich Autor mehrerer Bücher ( « British Newsflash Magazin :: Magazin Buch» ISBN-10: 3837046001, ISBN-13: 978-3837046007, «Die Kinder der John Baptist Mission», ISBN-10: 3837057623 , ISBN-13: 978-3837057621), staatlich geprüfter Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger offiziell eingeschriebener Vollzeit-Student an der Evangelischen Fachhochschule für Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen in Ludwigshafen am Rhein mit der Martikelnummer 988 im Fach-Studiengang Diplom-Pflegeleitung. An fünf Tagen in der Woche, montags bis freitags studierte Andreas Klamm im Vollzeit-Studium am Tage.

Zudem war er gewähltes Mitglied des Allgemeinen Studierenden Ausschusses (AstA) in Ludwigshafen. Mehrere Hundert Studenten und rund ein Dutzend Professoren und Professorinnen können die Angaben von Andreas Klamm bestätigen. Auch die ehemaligen Arbeitgeber haben die Teilzeit-Arbeit im Nachtdienst im Krankenhaus und in einer Redaktion bereits bestätigt. Zudem liegen auch die Dokumente wie Studien-Bescheinigung, Studierenden-Ausweis und Studien-Buch der Evangelischen Fachhochschule für Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen vor, die bestätigen, dass der Journalist Andreas Klamm, in den Jahren 2003 und 2004 offiziell eingeschriebener Student in einem Vollzeit-Studium war, das Arbeitskraft und Zeit überwiegend in Anspruch genommen hat.

Doch da die Eltern des behinderten Studenten und Journalisten keine Millionäre sind, musste der ehemalige Student in der Nacht in einer Teilzeit-Anstellung als Journalist und Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger arbeiten um das Geld für ein Leben und in Studium in Deutschland zu verdienen. Der Vater des Journalisten, ein ehemaliger Feuerwehr-Beamter bei der Berufsfeuerwehr der Stadt Ludwigshafen am Rhein, verstarb bereits im Jahr 2000 an den Folgen eines schweren Verkehrsunfalls. Die Mutter des Journalisten ist eine arme Witwe, die täglich mit den Nöten in dieser Welt und in Deutschland kämpft.

Im Jahr 2007 stellte der Journalist, Autor und Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger einen Antrag auf Wechsel der Staatsbürgerschaft von der deutschen Staatsbürgerschaft in die amerikanische oder britische Staatsbürgerschaft. Dabei handelt es sich nach Artikel 15, der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen (UN, New York City, ) um ein allgemeines, universell gültiges Menschenrecht. Im Rahmen der geplanten Umschreibung künftiger Renten-Ansprüche von Deutschland nach England oder Amerika teilte dem ehemaligen Studenten die Deutsche Rentenversicherung BUND so wörtlich mit, dass das Vollzeit-Studium in den Jahren 2003 und 2004 mit folgender Begründung nicht anerkannt wird: «Die Verbindlichkeit der übrigen Daten wird zu gegebener Zeit in einem weiteren Bescheid geregelt werden.

Die Zeit vom 1. April 2003 bis 31.12.2003 kann nicht als Anrechnungszeit vorgemerkt werden weil die Ausbildung, Zeit und Arbeitskraft nicht überwiegen in Anspruch genommen hat.«

Mehrere Hundert Studenten an der Evangelischen Fachhochschule für Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen in Ludwigshafen am Rhein und rund ein Dutzend Professoren und Professorinnen können bestätigen, dass ein Vollzeit-Studium an fünf Werktagen in der Woche, montags bis freitags, sehr wohl die Arbeitskraft und Zeit überwiegend in Anspruch nimmt. Die Daten die Deutsche Rentenversicherung nennt sind zu dem nachweisbar falsch, was aus der Studien-Bescheinigung, die an die Deutsche Rentenversicherung übersandt wurde, deutlich zu sehen ist. Der Journalist studierte ab März 2003 bis Ende März des Jahres 2004, das geht aus der Gesamtheit aller vorgelegten Unterlagen in Bezug auf das Vollzeit-Studium hervor.

Andreas Klamm erklärte hierzu: „In der Begründung des Bundes vertreten von der Deutschen Rentenversicherung kann ich nur noch die schwerste Diskriminierung von Menschen und Studenten mit Behinderung in Deutschland sehen. Daher musste ich beim UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon bei den Vereinten Nation (UN) in New York (Amerika) und bei der Behinderten-Beauftragten Frau Karin Evers-Meyer, Behinderten-Beauftragte des Bundes in Berlin und Mitglied des Bundestages bei der Bundesregierung und bei der Deutschen Rentenversicherung in Berlin einen Widerspruch und eine Beschwerde gegen die Diskrimierung von Studenten und Menschen mit Behinderung einlegen. Auch wer in Deutschland nicht Tochter oder Sohn von Millionären ist, hat meiner Überzeugung nach das Recht auf ein Studium. So steht es zumindest im Grundgesetz, in der Europäischen Sozialcharta und in der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechten der Vereinten Nationen.

Jedem Menschen in Deutschland muss klar sein, dass auch Studenten mit Behinderung, Nahrung, Lebensmittel, Kleidung, Strom, Gas, Wasser, Versicherungen, Auto, Bücher, Studien-Mittel, Wohnung und Verkehrsmittel bezahlen müssen. So bleibt auch Vollzeit-Studenten, die nicht die Kinder von Millionären sind, nur die Wahl tagsüber im Vollzeit-Studium zu studieren und nachts in Teilzeit-Anstellungen zu arbeiten.

Für Studenten mit Behinderungen, wie mich, ist dies eine besondere Härte und Belastung. Die Nicht-Anerkennung eines Vollzeit-Studiums durch den Bund und die Deutsche Rentenversicherung kann ich nur als schwerste Diskriminierung von Menschen und Studenten mit Behinderung in Deutschland sehen und dagegen muss ich mich auch als gewähltes und ehemaliges Mitglied im AstA engagieren, da meine Recherchen ganz schnell zum Ergebnis führten, dass ich nicht der einzige Student in Deutschland bin, der durch Einrichtungen des Bundes auf das Schwerste diskriminiert wird. Die Diskriminierung von Menschen und Studenten mit Behinderung ist eindeutig gegen geltendes Recht und gegen geltende Gesetze wie etwa das Grundgesetz oder die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen (UN).

Die Verbrechen die in der Zeit der Nazi-Terror-Diktatur in den Jahren von 1933 bis 1945 stattgefunden haben, waren wohl nur möglich, weil zu viele Menschen geschwiegen und die Verletzung elementarer Rechte und Gesetze geduldet haben. Daher sehe ich es auch als besondere historische Verantwortung mich gegen die Diskriminierung von benachteiligten Menschen und Studenten mit Behinderung zu engagieren.
Dass ausgerechnet der Bund Menschen und Studenten mit Behinderungen auf das Schwerste diskriminiert, statt diese wie gesetzlich geregelt, zu fördern, ist eine ganz große Enttäuschung für alle Menschen, die sich zur freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundordnung in Deutschland und in Europa bekennen und gegen die Diskriminierung von Menschen sind.

Daher bitte ich freundlichst alle Studenten und Menschen meine Petition gegen die Diskriminierung von Studenten und Menschen in Deutschland zu unterstützen und mitzuzuzeichnen. Danke !“

Die Petition gegen die Diskriminierung von Studenten und Menschen mit Behinderung in Deutschland kann im Internet in deutscher und englischer Sprache bei gelesen und mitgezeichnet (mitunterschrieben) werden.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Service Dogs: Serve Many People's Needs

Service Dogs: Serve Many People's Needs

ENUMCLAW, Wash., Aug. 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- At one time the term "guide dog" brought to mind a picture of a larger-breed dog walking alongside a blind man or woman as he or she maneuvered through crowded streets, crossed intersections and took public transportation. Today, no longer limited to the blind and visually impaired community, these faithful companions are known as "service dogs." Dogs of all sizes and breeds alert the deaf to phone calls, doorbells and emergencies, calm the mentally ill and offer comfort to seizure sufferers. Others, called "therapy dogs" visit sick children and adults in facilities where the furry assistants are welcomed and greeted with hugs.

When Linda Smith developed MS she and her husband Don decided to adopt a puppy to raise as a service dog. From an eager, yipping group of puppies they chose a clumsy, quiet Golden Retriever with a soft funny-sounding bark and christened him Tucson. Tucson learned to assist Linda in standing, fetching laundry and barking when she needed help. Soon, however, with the help of a new medication, Linda's health began to improve. With less need for a service dog, Linda and Don began serving disabled children and kids with learning disabilities with the help of Tucson. "Tucson the Terrific," as he became known, is now a certified therapy dog and a READ (Reading Education Assistant Dog).

The joy that Tucson has brought to Linda and the children that he serves inspired her and Don to write their first children's book, "Tucson the Terrific".

"Tucson invites the children to follow him on a real life adventure," Linda says.

The story tracks Tucson's fear that he might not ever be adopted because he is different, his sadness as Linda no longer needs all his help and the joy of finding a new exciting purpose helping children with special needs. Don and Linda hope that the book will inspire young readers to feel good about themselves. "God has a purpose for everyone no matter how dark the circumstances seem to be."

"Writing this children's book has been a labor of love," Don Smith says. "We have shared much laughter and a few tears. We hope our book brings joy to many children and their parents."

To order, visit or call 877- 421-7323. For a review copy or to schedule an interview please contact Adam Cothes at 360-802- 9758 or

Thirteen Recommendations To The Human Rights Council

Thirteen Recommendations To The Human Rights Council

New York. August 15, 2008/ -- The Human Rights Council Advisory Committee this morning concluded its first session during which it adopted by consensus thirteen recommendations to the Human Rights Council.

In his concluding remarks, the President of the Advisory Committee, Miguel Alfonso Martínez, thanked all his colleagues for the support given to him in an effort to channel the initial work of the Advisory Committee. The outcome of their first session would become quite clear in the near future. They had achieved something: to get the ball rolling. This had been an extraordinary experience for him.

Among the recommendations adopted, the Advisory Committee recommended that the Human Rights Council and the Secretary-General should make available their good offices so as to extend the right of non-refoulement to hunger refugees. It also recoommended that the Human Rights Council, at its next session, launch an urgent appeal to Member States to increase their voluntary contributions substantially and as soon as possible so as to enable the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and other United Nations bodies to discharge their mandates. Further, the drafting group on the right to food proposed a structure of its report to the Council. The main parts of the structure included the right to food and the current food crisis; its causes; its consequences; State obligations; and recommendations on measures.

In a recommendation on the right of peoples to self-determination, the Advisory Committee said bearing in mind the points of view expressed by a large number of non governmental organizations on the various and complex issues related to the content and realization of the right of all peoples, including of indigenous peoples, to self determination, and by a great number of Experts, it decided to consider this matter only if the Human Rights Council addressed a petition on this matter to the Advisory Committee.

Also among the recommendations adopted by the Advisory Committee was to entrust a drafting group with the task of undertaking preparatory work for consideration by the Advisory Committee on human rights education and training and appointed the following Experts as members of the drafting group: Emmanuel Decaux, Héctor Felipe Fix Fierro, Vladimir Kartashkin, Purificacion V. Quisumbing, and Halima Embarek Warzazi. The Advisory Committee also entrusted Latif Hüseynov, who is intended to be involved in the preparation of a study on missing person, with the task of participating in a panel on this topic. The Advisory Committee further requested the Experts Chung Chinsung, Purificacion V. Quisumbing and Mona Zulficar to prepare for the next session draft guidelines on methods to operationalize gender mainstreaming at all levels, including action-oriented mechanisms in the implementation of the Advisory Committee's mandate. The Advisory Committee designated Shigeki Sakamoto to carry out the task of following on the activities of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the subject of elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members and to formulate a draft set of principles and guidelines on this topic.

Further recommendations included to recommend that the Human Rights Council authorizes that all reports and working papers which have been completed and submitted to the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights by the former Sub-Commission be issued as United Nations official documents and be sent to the Human Rights Council. It also recommended that the Human Rights Council examined and eventually took the decisions it might consider fit for a possible follow-up to all studies commissioned by the Sub-Commission now pending a decision from the Council.

During its session, the Advisory Committee also decided to set up a drafting group that would start working on draft rules of procedure. The members appointed to the drafting group, with regional representation, were Wolfgang Stefan Heinz, Mona Zulficar, Ansar Ahmed Burney and Latif Hüseynov. The member from the Latin American and Caribbean Group would be appointed after further consultations. The Committee also decided to appoint the following members of the Advisory Committee as members of the Working Group on Communications of the Human Rights Council Complaint Procedure: Chen Shiqiu, Emmanuel Decaux, Vladimir Kartashkin, Halima Embarek Warzazi and Miguel Alfonso Martínez. The Committee also agreed to establish a drafting group on this issue of the right to food. The group consists of José Antonio Bengoa Cabello, Baba Kura Kaigama, Chung Chinsung, Latif Hüseynov and Jean Ziegler.

This was the first session of the Advisory Committee, pursuant to the adoption of Human Rights Council resolution 5/1. The Human Rights Council Advisory Committee, composed of 18 experts, was established to provide expertise in the manner and form requested by the Council, focusing mainly on studies and research-based advice. The Advisory Committee replaces the former Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, whose main functions were to undertake studies on human rights issues and to make recommendations concerning the prevention of discrimination of any kind and the protection of minorities.

The scope of the Advisory Committee's advice is limited to thematic issues pertaining to the mandate of the Council, namely, the promotion and protection of all human rights. The Committee is not mandated to adopt resolutions or decisions, but may propose to the Council, within the scope of its work as set out by the Council, suggestions for further enhancing its procedural efficiency, as well as further research proposals within the scope of the work set out by the Council. Member States and observers, including States that are not members of the Council, the specialized agencies, other intergovernmental organizations and national human rights institutions, as well as non-governmental organizations, shall be entitled to participate in the work of the Advisory Committee based on arrangements and practices observed by the Commission on Human Rights and the Council. The Advisory Committee is empowered to convene up to two sessions for a maximum of 10 working days per year.

Addressing the Advisory Committee at the opening session, Kyung-Wha Kang, Acting United Nations High-Commissioner for Human Rights, said that the first session marked a significant step forward in realizing and completing the Council's institution-building process. It was also an important moment for the international community as this new human rights mechanism charted its future course within the United Nations' comprehensive human rights system.

Also addressing the Advisory Committee at its opening session, Martin Ihoeghian Uhomoibhi, President of the Human Rights Council, underlined that the Committee had to work as an independent expert body. He mentioned that the Human Rights Council had made a number of specific requests to the Committee. Further solicitations would follow and the President was convinced that the Advisory Committee would contribute to the advancement of these expectations by providing an independent and objective point of view. The Advisory Committee had to be mindful of the legacy of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. It had left behind a substantial body of studies of varying status. Suggestions as to how these studies should be addressed by the Council would be of great value.

The second session of the Advisory Committee will be held from 26 to 30 January 2009.

Action on Recommendations

Requests to the Advisory Committee stemming out of Human Rights Council resolutions

Under this agenda item, the Advisory Committee approved measures:

-on a drafting group on human rights education and training; programme of work, to entrust a drafting group with the task of undertaking preparatory work for consideration by the Advisory Committee and appoints the following Experts as members of the drafting group: Emmanuel Decaux, Héctor Felipe Fix Fierro, Vladimir Kartashkin, Purificacion V. Quisumbing, and Halima Embarek Warzazi. The Advisory Committee further welcomed the paper prepared by the drafting group, containing the elements of the conceptual framework for further work and consultations; encouraged the drafting group to continue its preparatory work, with a view to submit further elements to the next session of the Advisory Committee; and requested all the necessary assistance of the Secretariat to facilitate the activities of the drafting group.

- on promotion of a democratic and equitable international order, to decide that it would continue its deliberations on this matter at its next session, including by looking at the work that has been already done by the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection and Protection of Human Rights and any other human rights mechanisms.

- on missing persons, to entrust Latif Hüseynov, who was intended to be involved in the preparation of the study, with the task of participating in the said panel and reporting back at its next session. The Committee also requested the President of the Human Rights Council to extend an invitation to Mr. Hüseynov to participate in the Human Rights Council panel discussion, to be held in September 2008.

- on integrating the human rights of women throughout the United Nations system, to request the Experts Chung Chinsung, Purificacion V. Quisumbing and Mona Zulficar to prepare for the next session draft guidelines on methods to operationalize gender mainstreaming at all levels, including action-oriented mechanisms in the implementation of the Advisory Committee's mandate and recommended to authorize the same team to identify proposals for concrete action in specific areas, special procedures or further measures needed to enhance substantive gender equality within the UN agencies and at the regional and national levels.

- on elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members, to designate Shigeki Sakamoto to carry out the task of following on the activities of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and to attend the meeting to be convened by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights if extra budgetary funding is available for exchange of views among the relevant actors; to examine the reports transmitted by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding information on the measures that Governments have taken to eliminate leprosy-related discrimination; and to formulate a draft set of principles and guidelines for the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members, for review by the Advisory Committee at its next session in January 2009 and for consideration by the Human Rights Council by September 2009.

- on refugees from hunger: good offices of the Human Rights Council and the Secretary-General, to suggest that the Human Rights Council and the Secretary-General should make available their good offices so as to extend the right of non-refoulement to hunger refugees.

- on the realization of the right to food in United Nations refugee camps, to suggest that the Human Rights Council, at its next session, launched an urgent appeal to Member States to increase their voluntary contributions substantially and as soon as possible so as to enable the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and other United Nations bodies to discharge their mandates.

- on the right to food: programme of work, the drafting group on the topic at hand proposed a structure of its report to the Council. The main parts of the structure included the right to food and the current food crisis; its causes; its consequences; State obligations; and recommendations on measures. The drafting group deemed necessary that two further related studies be undertaken, and recommended that the Council entrusted it with the task of preparing the following studies: "Current food crisis, the right to food and hunger refugees: definition and situation" and "Current food crisis, the right to food and the rights of peasants". The Advisory Committee requested the Council, at its next session, to approve the preparation of the studies on hunger refugees and the rights of peasants, so that the Advisory Committee may subsequently appoint experts to conduct such studies and determine the timetable for their realization.

Implementation of section II of Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 entitled "Human Rights Council Advisory Committee"

Concerning the mandate of the Advisory Committee entrusted to it by the Human Rights Council, its annual programme of work and working methods, the Advisory Committee adopted measures:

- on the official summary records, to recommend that the Human Rights Council requested the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to take the necessary steps to provide official summary records of all plenary meetings held by its Advisory Committee. It also recommended that webcasting be made available to it to ensure enhanced access by the public at large.

- on the publication of studies completed by the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, to recommend that the Human Rights Council authorized that all reports and working papers which had been completed and submitted to the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights be issued as United Nations official documents and be sent to the Human Rights Council.

- on new bodies established by the Human Rights Council, to designate Committee Member Mr. José Antonio Bengoa Cabello to follow the work of the Social Forum and to brief the Committee at its resumed first session in January 2009 on issues of relevance to the work of the Committee. The Advisory Committee also designated two other members, Mona Zulficar and Miguel Alfonso Martinez, to follow the work of the Forum on Minorities Issues and the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, respectively, and to brief the Committee at its session in January 2009 on issues of relevance to its work

- on right of peoples to self determination, bearing in mind the points of view expressed by a large number of non governmental organizations on the various and complex issues related to the content and realization of the right of all peoples, including of indigenous peoples, to self determination, and by a great number of Experts, the Advisory Committee decided to consider this matter, only if the Human Rights Council addressed a petition on this matter to the Advisory Committee.

- on Sub-Commission studies, to suggest that the Human Rights Council examined and eventually took the decisions it might consider fit for a possible follow-up to all studies commissioned by the Sub-Commission now pending a decision from the Council, in connection with, inter-alia, the studies on discrimination in the criminal justice system; corruption and its impact on the full enjoyment of human rights; discrimination based on work and descent; and the role of States in the guarantee of human rights with reference to the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises.

Adoption of the Report

The Advisory Committee also approved its report to the Human Rights Council on the first session of the Advisory Committee.

Membership of the Advisory Committee

The 18 members of the Advisory Committee were elected on 26 March 2008, at the seventh session of the Human Rights Council. The membership of the Advisory Committee has to conform with the following geographical distribution guidelines set out in its establishing resolution: five members each from African and Asian States; three each from Latin American and Caribbean States, and Western European and other States; and two members from Eastern European States.

Members serve for a period of three years and are eligible for re-election once. In accordance with resolution 5/1, the staggering of terms of membership of the Advisory Committee members was determined by drawing lots immediately after the election. Hence, in the first term, one-third of the experts will serve for one year and another third for two years. The list of members of the Advisory Committee and their respective terms of office are set out below.

José Antonio Bengoa Cabello (Chile) 2009; Ansar Ahmed Burney (Pakistan) 2010; Chen Shiqiu (China) 2008; Chung Chinsung (Republic of Korea) 2009; Emmanuel Decaux (France) 2010; Héctor Felipe Fix Fierro (Mexico) 2010; Wolfgang Stefan Heinz (Germany) 2009; Latif Hüseynov
(Azerbaijan) 2010; Baba Kura Kaigama (Nigeria) 2010; Vladimir Kartashkin (Russian Federation) 2009; Miguel Alfonso Martínez (Cuba) 2008; Bernards Andrews Nyamwaya Mudho (Kenya) 2009; Purificacion V. Quisumbing (Philippines) 2010; Shigeki Sakamoto (Japan) 2009; Dheerujlall Seetulsingh (Mauritius) 2010; Halima Embarek Warzazi (Morocco) 2008; Jean Ziegler (Switzerland) 2008; and Mona Zulficar (Egypt) 2009.

The Chairperson of the first session was Miguel Alfonso Martinez, Vice-Chairpersons were Mona Zulficar, Vladimir Kartashkin and Chung Chinsung. The Rapporteur was Emmanuel Decaux.
